Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dating Gawi

Christmas and New Year is just around the corner and multitudes have yet to come up with their New Year’s Resolutions. 

(Hooray! We’re through with the apocalyptic prophecies of 2012 and onto the imminent World Peace or should I say World War?!).

From my end, waiting for the eve of 2013 before I turn over a new leaf is not a option; and turning over a new leaf means going back to writing (and prolly shedding off a few chunks accumulated from the past holiday feasts)

I have spent a bulk of the last decade seeing life through a kaleidoscope (not with LSD). 
All this time, a loyal companion has never left my side. 
A thing that stuck with me closer than a brother…
My Old Faithful camera “Pixie,” as a tribute to the best canine friend we've ever had (alas!). 
It was originally named Katsutoshi, after a Japanese friend who spent some time here in the Philippines.

NOW...The BLOG! =)

A nation of 7, 107 islands, home to hundreds of known languages and ethnic groups and millions of species of flora and fauna, the Philippines is a paradise, perhaps the lost Eden of the Pacific. 

The Philippines mean different things to each of us. For some, it is a place of  mediocrity, a place of extremes, a place of scarcity, a place of abundance, a place of permanence and a place where dreams are not necessarily met but a launchpad to greener pastures.

One could only imagine the random events that take place within the confines of its vast wealth every minute that goes by.

This site is dedicated to the proliferation of FILIPINISMO…anything and everything related to the Philippines that could harness or revitalize a native soul’s desire to live up to the expectations of the motherland.

KaKosa Nostra is a bastardization of Cosa Nostra, meaning "This thing of ours."
(which is also the formal name of the Italian Mafia).
KaKosa is a term used by inmates to refer to a fellow behind bars for we all incarcerated by our uncertainties and idiosyncrasies as a people and as a country. 

It is time to look into the predisposing factors (our things, are ways) that results to what we are now and use them to build our future...looking back yet moving forward while enjoying the flowers along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Excited to read you posts po :) i always learn something new from your writings.
